A very common question, and even concern, that I hear quite often from potential franchisees is what to expect in the franchise sales process. Some may feel nervous or apprehensive going into the franchise investigative process because they think they are going into a high pressure situation where they are going to be sold to.
Chances are, this isn’t what will happen. When you are working with reputable franchisors, you will not have to deal with this. While this isn’t ALL franchisors, those that are truly good will not be taking this “used car salesman approach.” They view it more as a partnership.
While this process is about answering questions and removing doubt, it’s a two way street between you and the franchisor. It should be viewed as a mutual evaluation. You should be wanting to get to know the franchisor and the business, and the franchisor should be wanting to get to know you to make sure that you both have mutually aligned goals, values and characteristics.
Check out the video to learn more about this process and what you should expect going into it. Hopefully it will relieve some of your worry and answer some questions for you. If you have any more questions, get in contact with me. I would be happy to tell you more about the franchise sales process!
You can watch some of my previous Franchise FAQs videos either on my YouTube channel or my Instagram page. I cover topics such as the franchise investment costs and how much money you can expect to make!